Versioning YaST

Starting on August 2017, the YaST team adopted a new versioning schema to be followed by packages included in SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) 15 and openSUSE Leap 15, beyond.

If you are interested in the old schema, which is still used for SLE 12 and openSUSE Leap 42.x, have a look at the Old schema section of this document.

From now on, version numbers will be tied to the SUSE versions:

  • Major number is related to the major SUSE version (4 for SLE 15, 5 for SLE 16, and so on).
  • Minor number is related to the SUSE Service Pack number (0 for SP0, 1 for SP1, etc).
  • Patch number enumerates versions for a given major/minor version.

For instance, 4.2.3 would be the fourth version of the package for SLE 15 SP2 (the first one would be 4.2.0).

When to bump each number

YaST repositories keep a git branch for every released (open)SUSE product. For example, a SLE-15-SP1 branch is used for the development of SLE 15 SP1 and openSUSE Leap 15.1 products, SLE-15-SP2 for SLE 15 SP2 and openSUSE Leap 15.2, etc. The master branch is used for Factory and also for the service pack (or major release) that is currently in development phase. As described above, each YaST version corresponds to a specific product. So, when a change is introduced in a branch, the next version would be defined by the product that branch is tracking. For example, the first change in the SLE-15-SP2 branch would have the version 4.2.0.

Basically, these are the rules for increasing version numbers:

  • The first commit to a branch will use the version for the tracked product, with patch number 0 (e.g., 4.3.0 for SLE-15-SP3, 5.0.0 for SLE-16-GA, etc).
  • Next changes in a branch will increment the patch number (4.3.1, 4.3.2, etc.).


Let's try an example to illustrate how the new YaST versioning policy works.

Scenario: last released product was SLE 15 SP0 (a.k.a. SLE 15 GA) and SLE 15 SP1 is starting its development phase. Moreover, there is a package yast2-example with version 4.0.9. A SLE-15-GA branch was created after releasing SLE 15 SP0.

Fix a bug for the latest released Service Pack: SLE 15 SP0

  1. The fix is implemented into the SLE-15-GA branch and the patch number is increased from 4.0.9 to 4.0.10.
  2. Then the fix is merged into master in order to also include it as part of SP1. In this case, the version for master would be 4.1.X because master is now tracking the development of SLE 15 SP1 (and Factory). Note that the patch number will be 0 or the next corresponding number if master already contains a 4.1.X version.

Add new a change for the next Service Pack: SLE 15 SP1

  1. The feature/fix is implemented into the master branch.
  2. Again, the version would be 4.1.X because master is tracking the development of SLE 15 SP1 (and Factory).

Add a new change for the next SLE major version: SLE 16 SP0

  1. The feature/fix is implemented into the master branch.
  2. And the version in this case would be 5.0.X (the major number for SLE 16 is 5 and the minor number for SP0 is 0).

Old schema

Increase the patch number

The old schema is still valid for SLE 12 and openSUSE Leap 42.x. The general rule is to bump only the patch number and, if needed, add a fourth one to avoid conflicts.

Major and minor versions are only incremented under team agreement. For instance, the minor number was changed when CaaSP development started and, again, after branching SLE-12-SP3 (which was about to be released in that time).

About the major version, it was reserved for big changes in YaST world, like migrating from YCP to Ruby.

Avoiding conflicts

Following this schema we can face a tricky situation. Consider this scenario: our yast2-example repository contains these branches:

  • SLE-15: 3.3.1
  • SLE-15-SP1: 3.3.2 (this branch contains a new feature)

If we want to release a fix for SLE-15, we cannot just bump the patch number, because 3.3.2 already exist and contains different code. The solution is to add a fourth number to the SLE-15. In this case, it would be

This new digit will be incremented with every new version on that branch (,, etc.) avoiding any possible conflict in the future.